Terre(s) de quête

Born in Andalusia, David Guzman was drawn to clay from an early age.
His mother, the renowned ceramist Carmen Escalona, and craftsmen from the surrounding villages taught him all the processes involved in making, transforming and firing clay in the wood-fired kilns they built together.

Attracted by Arab art, he delved into the region’s heritage, encouraged by his uncle, the painter Pedro Escalona.
Also touched by Asian culture, he studied in Cordoba with the Japanese ceramist Hisae Yanase.
He then continued his art studies in Malaga, working with ceramist Ramon Paredes.

Nature, its shapes, textures and colors, transform her ceramics into a quest that evolves with her passions and feelings.

The earth, planet and material, in turn strong and fragile but always sacred, is his reason for living.
He pays tribute to it, so that we can preserve everything it passes on to us.

He was a convinced humanist who, even as a teenager, signed his pieces with the words “A mi querida humanidad” (“To my dear humanity”) on the reverse.