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Modeling Classes

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Introduction to Modeling

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Turning courses

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This course is aimed at pottery enthusiasts who already have some experience of throwing pottery.
The aim is to perfect basic techniques and explore advanced methods of creation on the wheel.

Each session focuses on precision, creativity and technical refinement to take your creations to the next level.

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Discovery Workshop
Introduction to Turning

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Discover the magic of pottery throwing at our « Atelier Découverte Initiation au Tournage » … Whether you’re a complete novice or simply curious, this workshop is the ideal opportunity to plunge your hands into the clay and create your first works.

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Private Lessons

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Training courses

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Pottery Wheel Workshop

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1 day

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Our one-day pottery throwing course offers a complete immersion in the art of throwing.
Ideal for beginners or those wishing to hone their skills, this intensive course will enable you to master the fundamental techniques of throwing, from preparing the clay to creating your own pieces.

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For Enthusiasts

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10-course card

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Our one-day pottery throwing course offers a complete immersion in the art of throwing.
Ideal for beginners or those wishing to hone their skills, this intensive course will enable you to master the fundamental techniques of throwing, from preparing the clay to creating your own pieces.

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Privatization of the Atelier

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Our pottery workshop privatization service offers a unique and creative experience for your events.
Ideal for special occasions such as birthdays, EVJFs, team-building sessions or other celebrations, this workshop allows a group of up to a dozen people to discover the art of pottery in a convivial setting.

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Courses & Training Schedule

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Our pottery workshop privatization service offers a unique and creative experience for your events.
Ideal for special occasions such as birthdays, EVJFs, team-building sessions or other celebrations, this workshop allows a group of up to a dozen people to discover the art of pottery in a convivial setting.

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