Olas de Mar mug – Model E


Disponible sur commande

Stoneware coffee cup from the  » Olas de Mar  » collection. Sinusoidal brush decoration, blue and white engobes.

Height: +/- 65mm / 75mm.
Width: +/- 65mm / 70mm.
Weight: +/- 125g / 135g.
Capacity: +/- 150ml.

Disponible sur commande

Catégorie :


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This exceptional mug from the  » Olas de Mar  » collection is a true invitation to travel. Its unique design, with a textured, beige speckled base, is enhanced by a blue wave pattern that envelops its exterior. This artistic decoration, inspired by the ocean, brings a touch of freshness and serenity to every use.

Every detail of this mug, from its elegant shape to its vibrant pattern, testifies to the skill and passion of the ceramist. It’s much more than a simple vessel; it’s a work of art that transforms every coffee or tea break into a moment of pure pleasure.

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